The Ways Ideas can be Communicated

Monday 2nd December's Skype call was aimed for module three students, the subject was 'the ways in which ideas can be communicated'. It was a lively discussion that followed a natural discourse with valuable contributions from all. We discussed our artefacts and how these relate to our inquiry process and in turn, how this informed our inquiry further. There were some important points raised throughout the call, which Dr Adesola Akinleye asked us to reflect upon.

Fundamentally, it is that each part of the BAPP, and in particular, our professional inquiry helps to inform form another. The essay, artefact and presentation are all interconnected. They can help give inspiration to new thoughts and ideas which have emerged, and continue to emerge throughout this process. This helps us to develop our work and our thoughts deeper too. 

Another valuable point that was raised was the difficulty in finding the balance between the confines of inquiry and the freedom of art. We need to remember that our artefact must tell the story of our inquiry in a clear, meaningful and reflective manner. Too intricate and the viewer will not understand, too basic and we are just presenting a meaningless object. We must remember that we are at the heart of what we do and our artefact must reflect this. 

Now take a look at this piece of art. Take a moment to think of what you feel about it. 

Image result for modern art

Do you love it? Do you hate it? Do you think it tells a story? Does it represent something to you? 

Your audience will take a different view upon everything they see, we are all individuals and we will draw our own interpretations from it. Each piece of artwork, although the same piece of art, means different things to different people. 

If I asked a room full of people to tell the story of 'The Little Red Riding Hood', the story would be the same, but the ways in which it would be communicated would be completely different each time. I recognise the value in seeing things from different perspectives and hope that my inquiry represents my journey, themes, realisations and meanings that emerged from my inquiry.

I absolutely cannot wait to see everyones artefacts and watch their presentations in January. 


  1. Thank you for this perspective. You have given me confidence in my artefact decision as I feel I have included something for everyone. Like the peice of art above, they might not read it the same but they may be able to pick out things that seem relevant to them.


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