Inspiration Station

Module 3 is nearly over. The artefact, feedback and professional inquiry have been submitted. I am now turning my attention towards my presentation. 

Dr Adesola Akinleye has asked us to blog about what has been inspiring us over the festive break. I came across this video entitled: "Why the School System is Outdated" by Gary Vaynerchuk. 

I hope that you are able to view this video on the link below:

In the video, Gary Vaynerchuk states that "information is a commodity", so easily available at the palm of our hands, that the global school system is now outdated. We no longer need to memorise information for tests, as we can access it via the internet within seconds. He points out that the fundamental flaw in education actually comes down to parenting, not teaching. He argues that we need an education system focused on promoting happiness for our children, not league tables, results and parental pressure. 

Vaynerchuk also argues that this is a modern day parenting issue, however, I disagree. Although, I do agree that the education system is outdated, I do believe that is a responsibility of both parents and educators to promote change within our school systems. In the UK, the Government's Department for Education sets our National Curriculum, therefore we need to find a balance between our structured legal boundaries and inner creativity to inspire change. 

I found this a really interesting pedagogical argument. What do you think?

G. Vaynerchuk. Facebook (2019). Why the School System if Outdated. [video] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2019].


  1. I agree that the current school systems need updating. George Siemens also raisies the same questions and asks Do the tools in education match what students will be using in the future? Which is something I have been thinking about.

    1. Yes totally agree. Surely we need to learn about tax returns, banking, insurance, etc not algebra?!


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