My Module 3 Artefact

Professional Inquiry
‘The Importance of a Creative Methodology when Teaching Shakespeare’

My artefact is indicative of my professional inquiry, drawing together the key themes and findings that emerged throughout the research and analysis process.

The Globe Theatre represents Shakespeare, his life, work and plays. The theatre was distinct to me as it represents the artistic lineage and historical relevance that has deep roots within my professional practice. The structure of the theatre are the foundations of teaching Shakespeare. Within the theatre, it opens up for you to see the world of my inquiry.

On the ceiling above the stage, I have represented the emerging theme of testing within academia. An emerging theme from my inquiry was the limitations of a testing culture of modern-day education, having to work within the confines of an area. 

The audience represents culture itself. Each audience member has been coloured in by my pupils. I asked my pupils to draw themselves, what Shakespeare means to them and what was meaningful to them. Also, within the audience, there are images of the fundamental British Values that are inherent in my practice:

  • Respect
  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Liberty
  • Tolerance of other people faith and beliefs

The discourse that profoundly arose was to teach Shakespeare academically or physically, or indeed both. The backdrop of the stage shows some of the key literature researched as part of my literature review within my inquiry. Also included in these images are famous productions that I have seen and  people who have inspired me throughout my career. 

Upon the stage, there is an image of Howard Gardener’s (1983) Multiple Intelligence Theory, showing each of the 9 intelligences. 

The flags on top of the building represent education within the UK, as this was the location of my inquiry.

Each theme is interconnected and synthesised within this artefact. It represents Shakespeare education both past and present and the fundamental discourses revealed within my inquiry.


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